As read in Cornell College News Center, “Bon Appetit serves local food with Farm to Form program”

As read in a recent article on the Cornell College News Center, “Bon Appetit serves local food with Farm to Fork program.”

“On a typical day behind the Thomas Commons on the Cornell College campus, you’ll see several vehicles driving up to the loading dock to unload food for Bon Appétit to use in its meal service.  Mary Zahradnik of Buffalo Ridge Orchard delivers apples to Bon Appétit General Manager James Richards. Many of the vehicles, however, aren’t large semis—they’re minivans or smaller trucks marked with the names of local farms.”

Since the beginning of the school year, Cornell College has been buying various flavors of our hand crafted ice cream to be served in their dining area. Both students and the public can come enjoy a meal at the dining center followed by a scoop, or two of your favorite Dan & Debbie’s ice cream. The team at Bon Appetit exemplifies what a college dining program should be and we are proud to serve them with our ice cream.

Bon Appétit serves local food with Farm to Fork program

  • Posted by Josie Rozum
  • On October 25, 2017